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Healthy Lawn


Authorized BeeSafe

Dealer / Applicator

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The products that we apply to your lawn are just one third of the equation for success when it comes to a healthy organic lawn. Mowing and watering are the other two and are in your hands. Here is what we suggest;

Mowing-please (3”)

Mow high to reduce weed pressure and shade the soil.

Sharpen your mower blade several times per year.

Mulch your clippings instead of bagging them.

Never cut off more than 1/3 of your grass blade.

Never mow if temperatures are over 90 degrees.


Only water if your lawn needs it. Often times rain is sufficient.

If the weather is humid, don’t water in the evening.

Water deeply! 45 minutes to an hour per zone several times per week is much better than 10 minutes per zone every day.

If your lawn goes dormant due to lack of water you can expect that it will recover when sufficient water is available.