Winter Fertilization to Repair Roots & Replenish Nutrients for a Healthy Lawn...

It may be hard to believe, but all the signs are there: The neighborhood children are back in school, dusk arrives a little earlier each day, and it is too cool to leave the house at night without a sweater or jacket. There's no denying that another summer is almost over. In addition to fertilizing in fall while lawn plants are actively growing, the experts at Healthy Lawn suggests that homeowners living in northern climates fertilize again after their lawns stop growing. This second application, called dormant or winter feeding, is really the first fertilization of spring -- just several months early.

Dormant feeding is typically only done on northern turf types, such as Kentucky bluegrass, fescue and rye grass. Even when a lawn is covered with snow or appears dead, its turf roots still may be storing nutrients for winter. Apply the usual rate of fertilizer for a dormant feeding. This equates to one pound of nitrogen per one thousand square feet, but check specific instructions on the fertilizer bag for spreader settings. Timing the dormant application can be difficult. Watch your local weather patterns. When you see that your lawn is not growing anymore, dormant feeding is in order. In Western New York, the best time is usually after Halloween but before mid-December. Healthy Lawn uses a special blend of balanced micro nutrients designed to give you lawn the right mix of fertilizer components and trace elements to ensure that your lawn looks great in the spring. If you've used a lawn care provider in the past and were unhappy with the results, their service, or you got the feeling you were just another number on someone's corporate list of things-to-do, give us a call.

You'll be amazed at the difference between Healthy Lawn's service and all the others. We're locally owned and operated, and we know how treat your lawn!