Weed Control & Elimination in your Lawn...

Do you have visions of having a beautiful lawn surrounding your home, but your neighbor's dandelions keep creeping into your yard, more and more each year? Do you have more crabgrass in your lawn than fescue? Healthy Lawn can help!

Each year we see all kinds of lawns with extreme weed problems - we're not intimidated though! In fact, the more severe the problems, the better we like it, because the change is so dramatic. People just can't believe it's the same lawn. Weeds are in a constant battle for prime real-estate in your lawn. If left to fend for itself your grass seed does not stand a chance! Especially in the dryer months. That is when grass goes dormant and weeds gain strength. If your lawns has weed problems, or looks thin, we can help. Controlling weeds is usually a multi-step process. First, for broad leaf-type weeds, we'll get rid of them right away. For grass-type weeds, like crabgrass, we'll put down a protective barrier in early spring that will stop them from sprouting. Next, we'll apply special fertilizers that will encourage your grass to grow. In extreme cases, we might suggest that your lawn be over-seeded to help fill in bare spots where weeds were especially invasive. Extreme cases make take a full season of care and treatment to recover, but rest assured, that by the following year, your lawn will be picture perfect. Keeping your lawn 'Weed Free and Green'. Our lawn care services will keep your weeds in check. One of the best ways of keeping weeds to a minimum is to keep your lawn thick and healthy. Our special weed control program includes quality fertilizers that do just that. Your lawn is inspected, and its needs determined, before the first treatment is made. Thereafter, each treatment is recorded, and the lawn is continuously monitored to insure that it is progressing on schedule. If a problem develops between inspections, you can phone us and a Healthy Lawn Lawn Care Specialist will be dispatched to your lawn to take care of the problem.