Crabgrass Prevention...

common crabgrassOne or more applications of Crabgrass Preventer are made in early spring to prevent crabgrass from invading the lawn throughout the season.

One of the primary weed concerns in home lawns is crabgrass. There is plenty of time before this weed will appear in lawns, but prevention is the key to control. There are both cultural and chemical control options to consider.

First, understand the target weed. Crabgrass is a warm-season annual grass. No matter how many crabgrass plants appeared in your lawn last year, they are all dead. Crabgrass can only reappear each year from germinating seeds. Crabgrass will not start germinating until soil temperatures get close to 55 degrees and stay there for several consecutive days, which most likely is not until early April in lawn areas. So, remember its important to get the applications down as soon as possible.

Crabgrass prefers full sun, moisture, and thin lawns that allow light to hit the soil. Sound lawn care practices to allow for thick, vigorous lawns that shade the soil help prevent crabgrass from becoming a problem. Mowing height perhaps has the most impact on crabgrass. Mow a minimum of 3 inches and there will be fewer crabgrass plants in your lawn.

Your lawn is inspected, and its needs determined, before the first treatment is made. Thereafter, each treatment is recorded, and the lawn is continuously monitored to insure that it is progressing on schedule. If a problem develops between inspections, you can phone us and a Healthy Lawn Lawn Care Specialist will be dispatched to your lawn to take care of the problem.