Lime Applications Prevents Nutrients From Being Locked Out...

From time to time, it may be advisable to apply limestone to raise soil pH into a range that will allow the lawn to thrive. We must be aware that some plants do much better in an acidic environment. These plants are usually found in bedding's and are not affected by lawn applications of limestone.

 results of adjusting the ph of soil

Most lawns and garden plants prefer a soil that has a ph of 6.5 to 7.0. pH refers to whether the soil is acidic or basic. Western New York has considerable rainfall every year, and since rain is usually acidic in our area, soils will eventually increase in acidity. Fertilizers also can lower the ph of the soil. If the pH becomes too low (acidic) or too high (alkaline) nutrients in the soil will become unavailable. When you return the ph to favorable levels you will sometimes see the same results as if you had fertilized, since the nutrients are now available for the grass plant.

Cool season grasses thrive within a pH range of 6.3 to 6.9 (7 is neutral). The only way to find out what your soil needs if there is a problem is by requesting a soil sample be tested for ph and other nutrients. We will however do a ph test at no cost for our customers.

The best time to apply pelletized lime is during the wet season because water is needed to dissolve the limestone. It is also advisable to mechanically introduce the lime into the soil by using the core aeration method. The cores allow the lime to enter the soil where the plugs are taken out by the aeration equipment.